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LOEWE top professorship for Prof. Susanne Herold

Thanks to million euro funding from the state of Hesse, Corona expert Susanne Herold remains at Justus Liebig University Giessen.
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Regulatory mechanisms in pulmonary blood vessels - new "player" identified

DZL scientists identified a new player within the pressure regulation in pulmonary vessels
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New funding round for clinical studies within the DZL

Further funding of clinical studies by the DZL in 2022. Two studies were successful in this year's application round.
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Active ingredient from the walnut - nature's therapy for pulmonary hypertension?

DZL scientists discover novel, attractive therapeutic strategy to treat PH with an active ingredient from the walnut.
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Von Behring Röntgen Foundation honors scientists of the DZL site UGMLC

Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich Grimminger was awarded the Von Behring Röntgen Research Medal for his life's work, and Dr. Niklas Gremke received a Von Behring Röntgen Young Investigator Award.
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Medikamentenforschung: Neues Wirkprinzip gegen Coronaviren

Wissenschaftler des DZL-Standortverbundes UGMLC haben entdeckt, dass die Substanz Thapsigargin die Vermehrung von SARS-CoV-2 hemmt.
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„Pandemie der Ungeimpften“

In der FAZ ist ein Interview mit Professorin Susanne Herold vom DZL-Standort UGMLC über die Corona-Impfung und die aktuelle Lage in den Krankenhäusern erschienen.
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T Lymphocytes and COVID-19

A collaboration of multiple research institutions with researchers of the DZL site Munich involved reveals the cellular activation states of SARS-CoV-2 reactive T cells in the lung and blood. The study was published in Nature Communications.
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