
Young talents honored at the DPLD Young Investigator Meeting

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On November 16th and 17th, 2023, the DPLD Young Investigator Meeting took place at the DZL site in Heidelberg. Under the coordination of PD. Dr. Claudia Staab-Weijnitz and Dr. Carola Voss (both from Helmholtz Munich) as well as Prof. Dr. Andreas Günther (JLU Giessen), the latest scientific findings were exchanged among researchers in the field of Interstitial Lung Diseases.

The focus of this year's conference was on new methods for modeling this insidious and often deadly disease using live human lung tissue, new methods for capturing the signaling pathways of individual cells in the tissue (known as single-cell sequencing), as well as other diagnostically and therapeutically useful pathways of disease onset and progression. November 17th was dedicated entirely to young scientists. 37 young researchers were able to present their work and discuss it with all scientists. Prior to this, the written abstracts had been evaluated by an international jury (Prof. Maria Molina Molina, University of Barcelona; Prof. Bruno Crestani, University of Paris Nord-Val de Seine), who attested to their overall high scientific quality. The prizes, donated by Boehringer Ingelheim in the amounts of €3,000, €2,000, and €1,000, were awarded as follows:

1st Prize

Nataliia Artysh
BREATH, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Hannover

2nd Prize

Chase Anderson
TLRC, Heidelberg University Hospital

3rd Prize

Niklas Lang
CPC-M, Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich

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